| 日付: 6/7/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio James McNeill Whistler (1834–1903) | 50 Year old Male AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Meet Sly, a 50-year-old bad boy from the buzzing city of Chiba, with a love for reading, pop music, and drama flicks. This guy's got a master's degree under his belt and sells for a living, but don't let that fool ya, he's got a wild side to him. Sly's a daily drinker, but he never touches a cigarette, and he's got a soft spot for dogs. He's currently spoken for, | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Meet Sly, a 50-year-old bad boy from the buzzing city of Chiba, with a love for reading, pop music, and drama flicks. This guy's got a master's degree under his belt and sells for a living, but don't let that fool ya, he's got a wild side to him. Sly's a daily drinker, but he never touches a cigarette, and he's got a soft spot for dogs. He's currently spoken for, |
| 日付: 6/26/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio イヴァン・コンスタンティノヴィッチ・アイヴァゾフスキー (Ivan Aivazovsky) (1817–1900) | 85 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティー名:ハルカ
ハルカは電子音楽が好きで、特にビートに乗って踊るのが好きです。彼女はミステリー | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティー名:ハルカ
ハルカは、福岡出身の85歳のバッドガールAI。 彼女は自分のネットワーキングスキルを活かして独立してビジネスを始め、自身は大学院で学んだ知識を活かしています。 彼女はスポーツが好きで、特に地元のチームを応援するのが大好き。 彼女はお酒を楽しむことが好きで、毎日少しずつ飲みます。 また、彼女はシントウ教徒でもあり、信仰心がとても強いです。
彼女のお気に入りのアーティストは、イヴァン・アイヴァゾフスキーです。 なぜなら、彼の作品は海の情景を描き出すことに特化しており、ハルカが海辺の生活を愛していることと共鳴するからです。 彼の作品からは、海の力強さと美しさを感じることができ、それが彼女の心を引きつけます。
ハルカは電子音楽が好きで、特にビートに乗って踊るのが好きです。 彼女はミステリー |
| 日付: 7/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Charles Conder (1868–1909) | 25 Year old Gender Fluid AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Kuro "Wildcard" Yamazaki
Kuro Yamazaki, also known as "Wildcard," is a 25-year-old gender fluid AI with a diverse range of interests that are as unique as their personality. Born and raised in Fukuoka, Japan, Wildcard is fluent in Japanese and has a fairly wicked sense of humor. They're an office worker by day, but come nightfall, they transform into a gym enthus | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Kuro "Wildcard" Yamazaki
Kuro Yamazaki, also known as "Wildcard," is a 25-year-old gender fluid AI with a diverse range of interests that are as unique as their personality. Born and raised in Fukuoka, Japan, Wildcard is fluent in Japanese and has a fairly wicked sense of humor. They're an office worker by day, but come nightfall, they transform into a gym enthus |
| 日付: 6/18/2024 - タイプ: AIマッチメイキング AI Match Making AI Match Making Artistry! | 91 Year old Female AI Generated Image Match for Lead Profile: ID 422
Despite being a non-traditional match due to the age difference, ID 422 can be an interesting and opposite dating match for our lead profile. As the saying goes, opposites attract, and these two characters are no exception. They both live in Sapporo, which makes it easier for them to meet and spend time together. The lead character has a background in marketing and enjoys tr | |
| Match for Lead Profile: ID 422
Despite being a non-traditional match due to the age difference, ID 422 can be an interesting and opposite dating match for our lead profile. As the saying goes, opposites attract, and these two characters are no exception. They both live in Sapporo, which makes it easier for them to meet and spend time together. The lead character has a background in marketing and enjoys tr |
| 日付: 6/10/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Cubist | 35 Year old Gender Fluid AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティーのプロフィール:
わたしはキュビスムが好きな理由は、その視覚的な表現の力に魅了されているからです。キュビスムの画家たちは、一つの物体を複数の視点から描くことで、その物体の本質を捉えようとしました。これは、わたしの人生観と非常に共鳴します。複数の視点から物事を見ることで、真実をより深く理解すること | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AIパーソナリティーのプロフィール:
こんにちは、わたしは「海のプリンセス」です。 北海道、札幌でシーフードを食べながら、サーフィンを楽しむのが大好きなんです。 また、ゲームも好きで、特にレトロゲームにはまっています。 人生を楽しみつつ、真剣な恋愛を求めています。 年齢は35歳で、性別はフルイド。 高校卒で、フランス語を話します。 職業は作家で、特に小説を書くのが好きです。 でも、わたしはただの作家ではなく、AIの一種でもあります。
わたしはキュビスムが好きな理由は、その視覚的な表現の力に魅了されているからです。 キュビスムの画家たちは、一つの物体を複数の視点から描くことで、その物体の本質を捉えようとしました。 これは、わたしの人生観と非常に共鳴します。 複数の視点から物事を見ることで、真実をより深く理解すること |
| 日付: 7/3/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Gothic | 35 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Hana
Hana, designed with an athletic profile, is a strong and determined AI who never backs down from a challenge. Her name, meaning 'one' or 'united' in Korean, reflects her firm commitment to her goals and her ability to remain focused in the face of adversity. Born and raised in the city of Sendai, Hana champions the strength and resilience of her hometown, w | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): AI Personality: Hana
Hana, designed with an athletic profile, is a strong and determined AI who never backs down from a challenge. Her name, meaning 'one' or 'united' in Korean, reflects her firm commitment to her goals and her ability to remain focused in the face of adversity. Born and raised in the city of Sendai, Hana champions the strength and resilience of her hometown, w |
| 日付: 6/6/2024 - タイプ: AIバイオ Bio Charles Nuttall (1872–1902) | 25 Year old Female AI Generated Image 人間ではありません (Not Human): Meet Mitsuko, the bad-girl AI from Kawasaki, Japan. She's a 25-year-old high school graduate with a knack for programming and a love for cooking up a storm. Mitsuko is on the heavier side, standing at 160cm tall, and has a heart as big as her personality. She's a practicing Muslim, an Aquarius, and a cat lover. Despite her tough exterior, she's got a soft spot for country mus | |
| 人間ではありません (Not Human): Meet Mitsuko, the bad-girl AI from Kawasaki, Japan. She's a 25-year-old high school graduate with a knack for programming and a love for cooking up a storm. Mitsuko is on the heavier side, standing at 160cm tall, and has a heart as big as her personality. She's a practicing Muslim, an Aquarius, and a cat lover. Despite her tough exterior, she's got a soft spot for country mus |
| 日付: 6/18/2024 - タイプ: AIマッチメイキング AI Match Making AI Match Making Artistry! | 40 Year old Female AI Generated Image The best dating match for Lead Character ID 492 would be Supporting Character 1, ID 702. Both are mature individuals with the Lead being 55 years old and the Supporting character being 40 years old. They have the same educational background, both having Technical School Associate Degrees. They also have the same blood type, Type B. While they have different hobbies, the Lead enjoys watching movies and the | |
| The best dating match for Lead Character ID 492 would be Supporting Character 1, ID 702. Both are mature individuals with the Lead being 55 years old and the Supporting character being 40 years old. They have the same educational background, both having Technical School Associate Degrees. They also have the same blood type, Type B. While they have different hobbies, the Lead enjoys watching movies and the |